Out of Hours and Events Bookings

The below applies to bookings in centrally controlled rooms only. If you are unsure please contact the Central Teaching Spaces team on 57305 or email cts@manchester.ac.uk.


In the case of central teaching spaces, any booking that falls outside of the standard University operating hours of 9am until 6pm Monday to Friday is considered to be an “out of hours” booking.

For the central meeting rooms and halls, it is any booking outside of 9-5pm Monday to Friday that is considered an "out of hours" booking.


An out of hours checklist must be completed in order for any booking to be confirmed.

  • An Out-of-Hours/Events checklist is created by Central Teaching Spaces and then sent to the staff member making the booking for completion.
  • Once the staff member making the booking has completed the necessary details, it will automatically go to the relevant Deputy House Services Manager, and if necessary Media Services, who will assess the event and confirm if it can go ahead.
  • Once approved, Central Teaching Spaces will confirm the room booking on their system and the booker receive an automatic notification to confirm that the event can go ahead.

Other types of bookings which fall under this same procedure include any booking at weekends, a booking inn The Whitworth Hall, any foyer space and any booking that is felt to be an event rather than a standard meeting or teaching booking (regardless of the timing).


Please note that only a select number of centrally booked buildings are available for booking out of hours. These are:

  • University Place
  • Samuel Alexander
  • Roscoe


  • There must be a minimum of ten days notice prior to any out of hours/events booking being made. This is to ensure that the relevant House Services and Media Services staff are available and to process the booking.
  • However in exceptional circumstances Central Teaching Spaces can check with House Services to see if it is still possible to accommodate.


Any person making the booking (either directly or on behalf of anyone else) must ensure that a risk assessment has been carried out for their event. School Safety Advisors should be able to advise on the issues and factors that will need to be considered.

A risk assessment may be required for example if children aged 16 and under are attending the event, there is specialist equipment being used, catering is provided, if large numbers of visitors are involved, etc. This is not an exhaustive list and event organisers need to make any special considerations as required.

The Deputy House Services Managers may also advise if a risk assessment is required.


The booking of any centrally booked foyer space will also require a checklist be completed. This is the case regardless of the time or day.

The foyer spaces booked by Central Teaching Spaces are:

  • Alan Turing Building (Ground Floor Foyer)
  • Humanities Bridgeford Street (Ground Floor Foyer)
  • Samuel Alexander (Classics Wing Foyer)
  • Roscoe Building (Ground Floor Foyer)
  • University Place (Ground Floor Drum Area)
  • University Place (1st Floor Foyer)

To allow suitable resource planning via House Services, all foyer bookings must be made with a full two working days between the date of the request and the day of the event itself in order to ensure sufficient time to review and confirm the request. i.e.

Day of Request Earliest Bookable Day
Monday Thursday
Tuesday Friday
Wednesday Monday
Thursday Tuesday
Friday Wednesday

Please note, some foyers may be located near large lecture theatres. If these theatres are in use it may well be that the foyer cannot be booked out as this may restrict access or cause unavoidable disruption to the theatre.

For further information on out of hours booking, contact Central Teaching Spaces on 57305 or email cts@manchester.ac.uk.

Please note that any issues surrounding costs and unapproved requests will be dealt with by the Deputy House Services Manager: