Directorate of Estates and Facilities
Our Services
- Providing advice and a point of liaison on all aspects of the Estates provision, both strategically and operationally
- House services, portering, cleaning, security, emergency support
- Ensuring our customers are aware of the wide range of services offered by the Directorate of Estates & Facilities
- Working on behalf of the customer to define and achieve agreed levels of satisfaction in regard to the services provided
- Monitoring the quality of services delivery by Estates & Facilities colleagues and external service providers
- Developing long term maintenance and small works premises upgrade programmes
- Space management; analysis, review, advice and guidance on other areas of estate provision, such as leases
- Environment, landscaping, recycling and waste disposal
- Energy use management
- Project and Major development works
- Minor works
- Long term maintenance
- Estates elements of Funding applications and statistical returns
- Building and engineering maintenance
- Contract compliance
- Decorations