Lost Property

Lost Property

House Services assists with the provision of a Lost and Found service for the University in conjunction with Student Services.

If an item appears to be property lost, initially call the Deputy Building Superintendent in the building where you believe the item was lost or stop by Student Services located in G001 John Owens Building. Office hours of Students Services centre are Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Property found on University grounds and handed in will be logged by either staff in House Services or the Student Services Centre (whoever it is handed in to). All unclaimed items, which are not personal items of value that can be returned to an originator e.g. A Bank or the DVLA, will be kept for 3 months. After this time any item not collected will be disposed of.

All staff have a responsibility to hand in any personal items of value which they find on University premises.

House Services Staff in conjunction with the Student Services Centre will maintain a log of lost property found and to make every effort to trace the owner. Any personal items of value found will be placed in the secure storage area to await collection for up to a maximum of 3 months.