Fire Safety and Evacuation in Central Rooms
The University wishes to remind all staff to be vigilant should an emergency alarm sound.
This note is for all teaching staff who may lead on lectures or sessions held in centrally booked teaching spaces.
All staff with groups of students are asked to remember to * :
- Comply with instructions from those with formal emergency evacuation roles during an emergency
- Take reasonable care of their own health and safety, and that of others affected by their actions or inactions
- Note the essential information on the “Fire Action Notices” placed on all exit routes, about what the fire safety arrangements are in each building, and when the alarm is tested
- Respond promptly to all activations of the fire alarm (except the weekly tests at the designated time)
- Stop teaching, instruct students to leave, and follow them out, ensuring doors are closed as they exit the building
- Ensure staff / students within their session that may require assistance, are supported in their evacuation
* Staff guidance extracted from Health & Safety Arrangements – Chapter 7 Version 3.17 - Fire Safety
- The University promotes fire evacuation awareness for staff/students who access centrally booked teaching rooms, during each academic year.
- Please note that the Fire Awareness Course LAOD147 Fire Awareness For All is now mandatory for all staff.
- Please also note that all students and staff who require Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) must have these in place prior to using any relevant buildings.
- Any additional or specific training needs should be raised with and/or identified by their manager or supervisor.