Teaching Spaces - Building Works Guide
1. Teaching spaces
- These are centrally bookable spaces used by the University for its core teaching, meetings, events, exams and a whole host of university activities.
- There are approximately 300 bookable rooms located in 25 buildings.
2. Types of Rooms
The main types of centrally bookable spaces are :
Flat Rooms / Tiered Theatres / Foyer Spaces
3. Locations
Buildings with CTS spaces: |
Alan Turing Building Beyer Chemistry Coupland Building 3 Crawford House Ellen Wilkinson Building Engineering Building A Engineering Building B Humanities Bridgeford Street James Chadwick John Owens Kilburn Mansfield Cooper Martin Harris Building Oddfellows Hall Roscoe Samuel Alexander Building Schuster Simon Stephen Joseph Stopford University Place Whitworth Williamson Zochonis |
Academic seminars and lectures, as well as other academic events and exhibitions. Also an array of other types of booking including: open days, visit days, recruitment fairs, visiting lectures, examinations, student society events, out of term teaching and conferences. Please note that some of which may also be out of hours and at weekends.
5. When
- Financial Year 1st of August to the 31st July.
- Teaching Year runs from mid-September to mid-September.
- Examinations also take place in January, May/June and August of each year.
- Please note, CTS space is in high demand all year round, both in and out of term time, and all buildings remain open throughout.
- While teaching predominantly takes place during term time, there are a plethora of other bookings, including some teaching, which takes place throughout the year.
Semester / key dates : http://www.staffnet.manchester.ac.uk/supporting-students/keydates
6. General Approach to Construction related works
- Propose to create or remove teaching space
- Change teaching space
- Make changes near to or around a teaching space
- Need to arrange access for inspections, surveys etc.
Refer to the Head of Estates Support, Central Teaching Spaces (CTS) and the relevant Faculty Estates Team.
Speak to CTS at the earliest stage who will:
- Help you understand the impact your work might have on teaching activities and other bookings.
- Work with you to advise on activities that could be moved.
- Advise on any restrictions and activities that cannot be disturbed or interrupted.
7. Room Booking
- All access to and booking of central teaching space MUST be agreed and booked in advance with the CTS team.
- Room bookings are made for the whole year in advance – rooms are scheduled for the year from June (e.g. the timetable for Sept 2022 to Sept 2023 was processed in June /July 2022 and published in August 2022).
- Aside from emergency repairs (which still need to be booked in), access should be planned with as much notice as possible and should not disrupt agreed academic activities.
- Adjacent disruptions (such as noise, dust, access restrictions etc.) should be avoided or minimised, with adequate, advance communication.
- Late or last minute requests are least likely to work and there may be an impact on your programme
8. Key Contacts
Central Teaching Spaces : John Owens LG.005
CTS Manager - Rob Keeling (52222) - robert.keeling@manchester.ac.uk
Central Teaching Spaces (57305) - cts@manchester.ac.uk