Parking for disabled staff, students and visitors
Members of staff and students holding state issued Disabled Parking permits (Blue Badge) will be issued with a parking permit free of charge and can access any disabled parking space on campus near to their workplace. To arrange this please contact the Permit Office and supply a photocopy of your blue badge.
Disabled (blue badge) visitors
Pre-booked Disabled visitors will be allowed to access on campus parking as near as possible to the building being visited. This will be free of charge and accessible via the intercom help points at the entry to campus.
Where it is not possible to accommodate this, there are plenty of dedicated disabled bays at the multi-storey car park at Booth Street West and these are also free of charge; however to obtain free exit the paper ticket (taken on entry) must be validated by the attendant before returning to your vehicle.
(Please note that the Aquatics Car Park is run by Apcoa and disabled parking is not free of charge there.)
If you are reserving a parking space for a visitor who is disabled, please follow the normal procedure (see visitor parking) but state that the visitor holds a blue badge. We will then arrange a suitable parking space and waive the visitor parking fee.
Staff/students with temporary disabilities
Staff or students who do not hold a blue badge but who are struggling with their mobility (e.g. returning to work after serious illness or an operation) may apply to transfer their permit to a space closer to their workplace until their mobility returns to normal.
Requests to change car park on the basis of a medical issue need to be backed up with medical evidence. This can be:
- A referral from University Occupational Health and/or DASS (Disability Advisory and Support Service)
- A letter from your GP or other healthcare professional supporting your request. This must specifically state that walking distance is problematic or that parking is required because of limited mobility, rather than being a general description of symptoms.
Please note that applications made under this scheme are not free of charge, although students eligible for a DASS-approved permit may be granted one at a reduced price, depending upon circumstances.
Please note
Any/all permits granted to staff or students under these arrangements will be subject to an end date. This will normally be:
- The renewal date of your blue badge, or:
- As per the individual arrangement made with the DASS or Occupational Health.